Terms and Conditions

www.bion-sport.com, hereinafter referred to as “the Site” or “Site”, is subject to Taiwan law. Any use of the Site must be in compliance with Taiwan law and governing international treaties, and shall be considered to take place on Taiwan territory. Any access and/or use of the Site signifies express acceptance of these terms of use, without reservation. For the purposes of these terms, the expressions “You”, “Your”, “User”, refer to any person consulting, having attempted to consult or having consulted any element, of any kind, of the Site.

The Site is published by BION Inc. whose head office is located in Taipei, Taiwan, hereinafter referred to as “BION” or “Us”.

At any time, BION reserves the right to modify or to update the pages of the Site, or these conditions of use of the Site. These modifications will be effective as soon as they are placed online on the Site. Users are therefore invited to consult the version constantly online on the Site. The presence of the User on the Site implies his full acceptance of the version in force on the Site at the moment of his visit.

The content of this Site, particularly photographs, the architecture, texts, illustrations, drawings, models, brands, software, databases, etc (this list being non-exhaustive), hereinafter the “Content”, are the property of BION, of its technical service providers, of its suppliers or of its licensors.

All rights of use and reproduction of this Content are reserved, and are subject to authorisation from BION or from their respective title holders. In compliance with the Taiwan intellectual property code and governing international treaties, any representation, reproduction or use of this Content, in full or in part and by any means, which is not expressly authorised, is unlawful and is subject to civil, commercial or criminal proceedings by the title holders of this Content.

In particular, the BION brand and logos and the other brands and logos used on the Site are registered trademarks, and any use or reproduction of these brands and logos constitutes a counterfeit.

In particular, the images that are placed online on the Site remain the property of the copyright owners. Except under express prior written authorization from BION or from their respective title holders, the exploitation of these images is prohibited. In no case may the images be subject to modification, distortion, mutilation or additions. Any authorized use or reproduction of selected images must in any event include the photo credit next to each image: “[photographer name/ BION Inc.]”.

BION rejects in advance liability for any damage arising from the unauthorized, improper or illegal use of Content property of independent title holders.


It is Your responsibility to connect to the Site in conditions respecting the law that applies to the Site and mentioned in clause 1 above, as well as the law governing Your country of residence. BION, its affiliated companies, its management and its employees may not be held responsible for any damage whatsoever resulting from a simple connection to this Site, except in the event of proven fault resulting from the direct liability of BION and evidenced by a final court decision rendered under the law applicable to the Site and mentioned in clause 1 above.

The Site provides You with information about BION, its activities, products and services. This information is given for information only. BION in no way guarantees the relevance, updating or exhaustiveness of the information transmitted, and may not incur any responsibility as a result of this information or Content, nor as a result of decisions made on the basis or under the influence of such information or Content. Consequently, they may not entail liability on the part of BION, except in the event of proven fault resulting from the direct liability of BION and evidenced by a final court decision rendered under the law applicable to the Site and mentioned in clause 1 above.

BION does not guarantee that the Site, its Content, the servers that give access to it, and/or third-party sites that can be accessed using hyperlinks from the Site are error-free, free of viruses or other components liable to cause material or personal damage. BION rejects all express or implied warranties, particularly any warranty of value, quality, merchantability, correspondence or fitness of the Site or its downloaded Content for a particular purpose. BION does not guarantee that the use or the result of the use of the available elements through the Site will be correct, precise, appropriate, reliable or of any quality. In no event may BION be held responsible for loss of data or damage related to these data. Any information or advice provided by BION may not be interpreted as being any kind of warranty or commitment on the part of BION.

Only Users authorised by BION who have received a password and username for the purpose of accessing the Site may do so. Password and username are strictly personal and their use is reserved for their holder.

BION protects the personal data of the Users of the Site and respects rules with regard to the protection of private life and personal data.

When You use the Site, personal data may be collected from You by BION.

The main purposes of collection of these data are to allow BION to give Users access to the Site, to identify Users and to date downloads, draw up usage statistics for the Site and BION services, to improve navigation and service on the Site, and to ensure the computer security and integrity of the Site. BION or its affiliated companies is the recipient of the personal data collected about the Users as well as, where appropriate, service providers to BION operating on our behalf in the implementation of the Site and of the services used by the Users.

BION undertakes to respect the confidentiality and security of the personal data that it holds, and to not allow them to be accessible to third parties, except the cases for which provision is made in these conditions of use and in case of a governmental, judicial or administrative order for disclosure.

Although we strive to protect Your personal data to the best of our ability, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. The data You transmit to Us through the internet happens therefore at Your own risk.

In relation to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) please refer to our Privacy Policy.

As mentioned under clause 5 above, third-party sites can be accessed using hyperlinks from the Site. These sites can use another privacy policy which we can not control and for which we are not responsible.

Each User of the Site has the right to access, correct, complete or delete data concerning him, as well as a right of refusal to processing his data by BION for commercial purposes.

To exercise their rights at any time or for any additional information relating to BION or the Site, Users can send an e-mail to BION, including their e-mail address and their full identity (full name, username), in order to give proof of their identity to BION.

“Forum” means a chat area, bulletin board, blog or e-mail function offered as part of this Site. Harassment in any form on this Site and the use of obscene or abusive language, is strictly forbidden. The Forums shall be used only in a noncommercial manner. It is strictly forbidden to upload through this Site material that is infringing, false, illegal, misleading, abusive, threatening or in any other way gives rise to a criminal offense, violation of the rights of any party, or liability or violation of any law. By uploading materials to any Forum or submitting any materials to Us, You automatically grant Us a royalty-free, irrevocable, nonexclusive right to use the material in any way.

We cannot review all communications and materials posted on this Site. We are not in any manner responsible for the Content of these communications and materials. We reserve the right, however, to block or remove communications or materials that are forbidden as determined in the first paragraph of this clause.

To improve our Site and Your shopping experience we use “cookies” which is a feature that stores a small amount of data about Your usage of our Site. Generally, we use cookies to keep track of what is in Your online shopping cart and also to save Your password. Cookies do not contain any of Your personal information and the information that we receive through the use of cookies shall not in any manner be used for marketing or promotion. Clause 7 above is not applicable to the use of cookies. If You prefer to not use cookies, You can simply do so by disabling the feature on Your web browser.

Any dispute relating to the execution or interpretation of these general conditions of use shall, failing amicable arrangement, be submitted to the Taiwan competent courts.

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